Thursday, May 3, 2007

Testing Testing

We visited a Sandbox yesterday on the Beta grid to test the Voice Beta version of Second Life. We measured an approximate 25 meter threshold. But it was difficult to hear one another clearly unless we were at least within 15 meters. The reason that this is so important relates to the layout of the island. We don't have ot follow real life building codes but we do need pay attention to these kind of factors.
25 meters is pretty far away, and that is going to really limit our ability to create any sort of density of gathering spaces. We must do one of two things:find a way to make sound-proof regions of space or we could spread these spaces out so they aren't within ear-shot of each other. Spreading things out seems like not such bad idea. It will help to keep processing lighter. But in scenarios like the simulation building, we'll want to have concurrent training sessions happening, etc. This may absolutely require some kind of sound proofing. Any ideas?

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