Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Creative Structuring

It is one of my main goals to create a campus that fosters interconnectedness and creativity. Here are some of the ways that I'm trying to do that.

Mixed-Use Urban Planning: By keeping spaces that have different uses within proximixy to one another, we can help bolster the vitality of the overall experience. The mixed-use approach is straight from Jane Jacobs' "Death and Life of Great American Cities".

Openness: All buildings, even the ones that have more closed structures, are visually open to the public eye.

Access: Whether through transparency, or just plain openings, avatars should be able to enter and exit these buildings with ease. There is the exception of the Simulation building which needs to be protected against interruptions for training purposes.

Memorable Structures: Each Quadrant as a strong character. This way, people don't feel like they are in a quadrant that they are not. The Libraries are one exception to this; they both have similar structures. To make them distinguishable from one another, they will have different proportions (The Private Library is narrower.).

Dynamics: The sandboxes are syncopated and populated with a few trees to avoid mental blocks to creativity. Breaking them into mini grids allows people to have a sense of their own space, but their proximity promotes interaction.

That's probably not everything, but I think it gives you a clearer sense of what has been going through my head for the past few months.

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