Monday, July 2, 2007

Library with a Twist

Over the weekend, as I tried to make a clearer image of what the new Library would look like, I made some realizations. First of all, the whole first floor was stairs! That seemed strange to me. And it seemed too symmetrical.
Several factors relating to the stairs and the symmetry drove me towards this design. I believe it opens up the center area and looks more interesting. I like the new structure so much that I don't think we need the "membrane" that we had before.
But it was such a tricky structure to draw that I had to make a model. Perfect medium. I think Jamie might throw this into a 3D applet.
The shaft in the center is like an elevator only without the elevator car.


Jane Blumenthal said...

I like the overall concept; the design suggests the the DNA helix without blatantly copying it.

I like the openness of this design and the lack of barriers between spaces.

The central "elevator" looks a little claustrophobic - is that an artifact of the two dimensional representation? If not, can it be made more open, like the rest of the building?

chrislandau said...

It's really an artifact of the last design. I was thinking instead of having small building maps on each floor near the stairs. You could then click on the map like an elevator. How does that sound?

Jane Blumenthal said...
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Jane Blumenthal said...

Not sure - the clickable maps I've seen in SL have been confusing to use and not clear in their purpose. It might depend on how clearly you can convey its function without elaborate signage.

What about a magic beanstalk? :)

chrislandau said...

So, we need a simple and clear interface/action that has elaborate consequences? I'm imagining a sign that actually says "Elevator". It would have 1, 2, 3, and 4. Clicking on any one of them initiates an animation of your avatar moving upward/downward on that particular staircase (I don't know whether we can we do that).

chrislandau said...

Maybe we need to find some examples that work and ones that don't. Anyone is welcome to make suggestions here. A few: NMC,